Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hectic Holidays!

     Well as always the holidays are hectic however this year a little more so than usual! I was excited after Thanksgiving to start my Christmas crafting I usually only do ornaments but this year since I think I may have found my new niche I decided to take on a little to much and the more I stress the less that gets done, and the less that gets done the more I stress, funny how that works.
     Silly me decided to take on her first custom order, which took far too long I think. Well ever since I was a little girl I have loved wrapping gifts, as a child I would want to buy more gifts just so we had more to wrap.  My first job was wrapping at Riley's Dept. Store I strive every year to wrap gorgeous gifts Unfortunately this year we are very short in the area of gifts so i may have to wrap up some empties just so I have some pretty pacakges to look at .
     I can say that with a toddler in the house there is little time for crafting etc. I am all over the place literally... the dinner table, garage and kitchen counters I am finding the less important stuff like ornaments calling my name instead of what I really need to do like finish gifts not to mention with all the new fabrics out there I would really love a new skirt. The days seem to get shorter and the projects seem overwhelming and I vow to start in January for next year.
     Amidst all the good cheer and joy sadness falls heavy my beloved car my "Inky" a  1999 Jetta with 154,000 miles on it breathed perhaps it's final breath yesterday, my father's last gift to me on our last Christmas before we lost the ranch and the last Christmas he would ever see, he gave me this car and it has served me well. I wonder did it come with an expiration date to expire in Dec. of  2010,  7 years almost to the day of him giving it to me. I will surely miss my car with no A/C and windows that fall down in the back and all the other quirks and squeaks but I will not miss the cost of each repair, having put nearly 4 times what my dad paid for it into repairs over the years.
     I know, what does this have to do with crafting or sewing? But I will post some pics of my holiday craftiness in a day or two and hopefully some of my completed work. Perhaps in Jan. I will be able to set up seller accounts with online vendors but unfortunately  I seem to have missed the boat on it this year.
     Oh and I almost forgot the most exciting thing that is going on right now is that next month around the 17th of January I will be a grandma to a little baby boy, who my 2 year old and I are calling unborn baby nephew.
    Well for now I bid you goodnight and Happy Holidays!